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I have a couple of pictures. Can I just put them online and try to earn some money? They're suitable for kids.
Sure. Actually, even erotic content is no problem, but you can't offer child porno, Nazi pictures, or things like that. Whether you're a cartoonist who wants to offer your cartoons for cash or a photographer who wants to offer visitors your pictures, it's all possible with TeleWord.
Can I receive my payments in other European countries like England, France, or Italy?
Of course; your check will be paid in euros. Alternatively we can do an international IBAN bank transfer.
How much will TeleWord cost me?
The use of the TeleWord ePayment Service is free. There are no fees or monthly payments. There's also no fixed contract duration. You can test TeleWord with no hassle whatsoever.
Can I use only the TeleWord SMS Service, even without using the ePayment systems?
Sure, but to do this you have to make pre-payments from which your SMS messages will be deducted.
First you have to configure your settings to "transfer account credit to the following month".
After that you can make payments via bank transfer to the TeleWord account. You're also able to charge your TeleWord account immediately. For more info, take a look at the "Pre-Paid Services" section after loggin in.
Cash-by-Call: With TeleWord is it possible to issue PIN numbers that are only valid for a single call, where each caller gets a unique PIN number that becomes invalid when the call is finished?
It's up to you! You set the configuration that determines whether callers can use the PIN number once, twice, or a hundred times ... and you can also set limits to what else callers can do with the password, e.g., "This password can only be used up to ten times in a twenty-four-hour period."
Cash-by-Call: How does the system tell that the calls actually come from my website?
There's a unique PIN number for each call. As soon as it's entered on your site, it's credited to you and the call is assigned.
I'm still a minor. What can I do?
For example, one of your parents can sign your application, or else your legal guardian. The details have to be mentioned. Since there are no fees or monthly payments with TeleWord, getting someone to sign for you should be no problem. You could also get a friend who's not a minor to sign, but we'd need their official permission.
SENDING SMS: Is it possible to send Text/Logo/Tone-SMS to other countries?
Yes, with our service, you can send SMS messages to mobile phone users in more than 90 countries (about 300 mobile network operators). For sending operator logos, you might need the following operator network codes which extend the ones in the HTML code preview. We list all network codes we know:
SENDING LOGOs: Can I send logos I've made myself via TeleWord?
If so, how can I enter the HTML code?
No problem whatsoever. Just take a look at the code in the "HTML Code" view, and you'll see right away that
it doesn't make any difference where the logos are stored ... you just have to enter the absolute URL.
SENDING LOGOs: "Duration of Usage... Min/Sec from the time of first usage:"
What's that about? 1 Min? With logos it really doesn't make any difference, does it?
This entry is only important if your settings allow the password to be used more than once. When, for example, only one cell phone logo is being sent, what you enter here doesn't make any difference. However, if you allow two or more logo downloads, this enables you to stipulate how long the user has (within 24 / 48 hours, etc.), to complete the transaction(s).
SENDING LOGOs: If I set, e.g., Tarif 49 Cents, PIN Usage "100 times within four weeks", that means a visitor could download 100 logos in 4 weeks, which would mean TeleWord loses a bunch of money! How do you deal with that?
If there is no money in the account, no logos are sent! That eliminates the problem. :-)
SENDING LOGOs: "Send password via email" ... that's just something extra in case the caller forgets the password that was given over the phone. Just to be safe, should it be activated? |
Probably not, because then you'd have to ask for the caller's email address. (How else could you send an email?) Experience has shown that callers don't usually want to give their email address, so it's generally better to avoid the whole issue and forget the email option.
SENDING LOGOs: How do you know whether the logo is directly from TeleWord or the license holder (in regard to the licensing fee)?
There's a watermark embedded in the image file that clearly identifies each logo.
HIDDEN ACCESS: I see that if I want to "hide" my website on the TeleWord server, the traffic is limited to 100kb.
Does this mean that when an HTML file is only 3 kb ... and - let's say - the file is accessed 1000 times in a month, then the total traffic is 3000kb. Or am I missing the point somehow?
No, you're right, the traffic is 3000kb, but generally - in addition - your example would mean that 1000 passwords had been issued.
That's why the traffic limit is related to both the file size and the passwords issued. You have 100kb of traffic, no matter whether the passwords are used once or repeatedly.
The traffic calculation is a combination. If an individual file were bigger than 100kb, it wouldn't be sent; the visitor would get an error message.
I want to combine the data from a form with an action.
Then I could have something like
http://www.xyz.de/abc/xyz.htm?firstname=Joe in the browser's URL window. How can I re-integrate the Information
firstname=Joe in my HTML page?
Case 1:
In order for the caller to get to the URL http://www.xyz.de/abc/xyz.htm?firstname=Greg,
an entry has to be made in a field of the TeleWord form; in this case, in the field for "firstname". In the TeleWord settings, enter: "re-direct to http://www.xyz.de/abc/xyz.htm".
The form entries need to use the GET method.
Then, when someone enters "Greg" in the name field,
he'll be redirected to http://www.xyz.de/abc/xyz.htm?firstname=Greg.
Case 2:
If you want to set it up so that when a visitor clicks a link at
http://www.xyz.de/abc/xyz.htm, the next page still displays the "firstname=..." parameter,
you need a little cgi script. You can use this:
[filename: env.cgi]
$_ = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; s/[^A-Za-z0-9 \=\&]//gs; print;
Of course, the script has to be put in the "cgi" folder (or whatever it's called on the particular server), and
the HTML file may have to be renamed ".shtml", or whatever the particular server requires.
The script will then be called from the SHTML page:
<a href="seite2.shtml?<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/env.cgi"-->">
This gives, e.g., the HTML page:
...<a href="seite2.shtml?firstname=Joe">
Case 3:
It's a bit more complicated to include specific information in the HTML page,
e.g. only the entry "Greg" without the word "firstname=". This script will help:
[filename: firstname.cgi]
if ($ENV{"REQUEST_METHOD"} eq 'GET') {
$buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
else {
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
$buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}."\&".$buffer;
@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
$_ = $FORM{'Vorname'}; s/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]//gs; print;
An SHTML file with the following segment ...
Hi! You're <!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/firstname.cgi"-->!
<input type="text" name="YourFirstname"
value="<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/firstname.cgi"-->">
would generate the following HTML code:
Hi! You're Greg!
<input type="text" name="YourFirstname" value="Greg">
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