TeleWord ePayment
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Please notice that parts of TeleWord are protected at the "German Patent and Trade Mark Office".
> Language   Language Deutsch English

Several Micropayment Systems For Your Website
With International Coverage
You would like to offer something to your visitors that's relatively inexpensive (about 50 Cents to 50 Euros).
To enable your customers to pay for your products and services, you're able to integrate our payment box in your website. Depending on the country, your customers are now able to use different payment systems.
Usually, you include all payment systems at once! Your customer can choose the payment system he wants to use according to his favour.
Examples And Details
Below, you can find a sample payment box which is fully functional. The specific implementation and design can be adjusted. Depending on which payment system is selected, more details about this payment systems are displayed as well.
How it works
*A hotline is displayed to the customer. The customer calls this hotline and receives a pin number that he enters on the website. The amount is charged via the telephone bill. The customer will not need to register.
Available Countries
*United Kingdom
*Other countries on request
Available Tarifs
*EUR 0,49 to EUR 29,99
*Any tarif accurate to a Cent


Info Information [1/1]
Description:   EXAMPLE of a full functional TeleWord box. So if you want to see our press releases, simply follow the instructions below. Basically, any products and services can be offered. A call or sending an SMS is not necessary here! SAMPLE!

This action costs:  
EUR 0,49 for 1 day  
EUR 0,99 for 2 days  
EUR 1,99 for 4 days   Selected
EUR 2,99 for 1 week  
EUR 4,99 for 2 weeks  
EUR 29,00 for 26 weeks  

Within the time period the action can be used for up to 100 times.

pay content, no subscription
At the following hotline you will receive a PIN number which you can enter below to use the offer:
0900 50 50 55 00 *
Dial at start of the call: 0199
Then the PIN number is dictated; don't hang up afterwards! The call duration is trimmed so that you pay about EUR 1,99 (call duration is calculated at a rate of EUR 1,99/Min!).
*) EUR 1,99 / minute from the land line; ATTENTION: charges for calls from mobile phones may differ!
Password / PIN number:
Protected by the German Patent- and Trademark Office. In case of technical problems or complaints please click here info for additional information and contacting us.