Please notice that parts of TeleWord are protected at the "German Patent and Trade Mark Office".
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At TeleWord we are constantly working on keeping our technical, service, and commercial standards at the very highest level.
The TeleWord server has been built of the highest-quality components (no no-name products whatsoever) by a professional, graduate computer scientist.
This is not an "amateur show" or a hobby endeavour.
In order to keep TeleWord downtime at a minimum, RAID-capable components have been integrated with an extremely stable Linux / Unix OS.
The servers that actually handle incoming calls have several layers of redundancy.
If one goes down - e.g. a mainboard fails - the system does not go down completely; it keeps running, but at a somewhat reduced capacity.
There are numerous computer systems involved in the TeleWord business model: the one that takes incoming calls, another that sends SMSs, the main webserver, and one for the bookkeeping, just to mention a few.
All computer systems are backed up with a power-fail-system and are located in air-conditioned rooms.
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