Please notice that parts of TeleWord are protected at the "German Patent and Trade Mark Office".
> Language
Documentation: using TeleWord for SMSs |
| Sending an SMS for your own personal use | | |
| Offering fee-required SMSs | | |
| Sending SMSs with scripts | | |
| Perl / CGI | | |
| PHP | | |
| Offering free SMS delivery | | |
| Advertisement-financed SMS delivery, option 1 | | |
| Advertisement-financed SMS delivery, option 2 | | |
| Logos and ring tones | | |
| Operator and group logos, LOGO-SMS | | |
| Picture messages, LOGO-SMS | | |
| Ring tones, TONE-SMS | | |
| Unicode-SMS | | |
| Incoming SMS | | |
| MMS | | |
| Available HTML code tags | | |
| Remarks on WAP-Push-Links | | |
| Automatical resizing of images | | |
| Sending uploaded images | | |
Sending an SMS for your own personal use | |
The easiest way to send an SMS for your own personal use is to click the menu item "Sending an SMS", which has been included specifically for that purpose. The cost related to sending the SMS is simply deducted from the credit you have in your TeleWord account (assuming you have a positive balance).
Offering fee-required SMSs | |
Sending an SMS can be connected to the TeleWord ePayment System; it makes no difference whether the SMS contains text or, e.g., a cell-phone image. The cost of sending the SMS is automatically calculated with the payments of the TeleWord ePayment System.
You can set both the caller's cost and the validity of the TeleWord Password to be used. For example, you could specify that a two-minute call allows your customer to send 20 text SMSs within a 4-week period, or as another example, to send one cell-phone logo for a 1-minute call.
To configure the sending of an SMS for which your customers are required to pay:
| Select the menu item "Setup Actions" in the TeleWord ePayment area. |
| Select the template "XMS delivery, with ePayment". |
| A page with some information is displayed, simply click on "Generate Action" when you're done. |
| The button "HTML CODE" for the relevant action takes you to the source code that you merely have to include in your web page. |
Special case: the variable "num" usually contains the mobile phone number the sms is to be delivered to. However, if you don't want to enable the user to send sms/logos/tones to other people but only to himself, in some cases the mobile phone number can be taken from the payment system so the customer does not need to enter his mobile phone number (again). So if the variable "num" is left empty, TeleWord will try to fill this variable with the information from the payment system (works for single payment pins and also for subscriptions). If the customer uses the Pay-by-Mobile-System or the PremiumSMS-System, the mobile phone number will be always available. For the Cash-by-Call-System the phone number might be one of the fixed network (if transmitted). There will be no phone number available for pins generated via the admin menu or payed by bank transfer. For the subscription systems a phone number will be able for the Pay-by-Mobile-Abo, but not if paid by credit card.
Sending SMSs with scripts | |
For maximum flexibility, you also have the option to use your own applications, which makes sending SMSs from scripts and programmes possible. The two sample scripts here, one for perl/cgi and one for php, have been written for sending SMSs.
In the first part of each of the two scripts, the variables are initialised. The second part controls the actual sending via TeleWord and includes an error-analysis component. Please note that in order to use a script, you have to define an SMS action as explained in the section "Offering fee-required SMSs".
If you do not want sending SMSs to be connected to the TeleWord ePayment Hotlines, you can turn off the password checking function. If you select this option, related costs cannot be automatically deducted from your ePayment account, and you will be charged for them. In this case, to guarantee sending of all SMS, please insure you have an adequate balance in your TeleWord account by making the necessary pre-payment. Additional information can be found under the menu item "Pre-Paid Services".
Perl / CGI | |
# TeleWord SMS Sample Perl Script
# (c) 2002-2006 by EDV Service Gregor Wersche
# for use with TeleWord only!
# Last Update: 2006-11-03
$telewordlanguage = 'UK'; # language of error messages UK / DE
$telewordaccount = 12345; # your account number
$telewordaction = 1; # the action number (XMS special)
$teleword = 'xxxxxxxx'; # password of TeleWord action
$sender = 'TeleWord'; # up to 11 characters or 16 digits
$num = '4917...'; # destination phone number
$xms = 'Test-Message sent by TeleWord'; # text message
$mobile = 'SMS'; # Message type, e.g. 'SMS' for Text-SMS
use IO::Socket;
undef %teleword;
$teleword_sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => 'www.teleword.net', PeerPort => 80, Timeout => 10);
if (defined($teleword_sock)) {
# Connection ok
# Construct the query string to send and determine its length
$xms=~s{([^A-Za-z0-9])}{{sprintf "%%%02X", ord($1);}}ge;
# Send request
$teleword_sock->print("POST /action/ HTTP/1.0\n");
$teleword_sock->print("Host: www.teleword.net\n");
$teleword_sock->print("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n");
$teleword_sock->print("Content-length: ".length($query)."\n\n$query\n");
# Get response
undef $response; while (<$teleword_sock>) { $response .= $_; }
# Check for success/error
$response=~s{(TeleWord\-([A-Za-z0-9\_\-]+): +([^\n\r]+))}
foreach (keys %teleword) {
$teleword{$_}=~s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/egs; }
if ($teleword{'language'}!~/^[A-Za-z]{2}$/) { $teleword{'language'}=$telewordlanguage; }
if ($teleword{'error'} eq '') {
$teleword{'language'} =$telewordlanguage;
$teleword{'error'} ='SERVER';
$teleword{'errortitleuk'}='SERVER ERROR';
$teleword{'errortitlede'}='SERVER FEHLER';
$teleword{'errortextuk'} ='There is no confirmation message and no error message.';
$teleword{'errortextde'} ='Es liegt weder eine Erfolgs- noch eine Fehlermeldung vor.';
else {
$teleword{'language'} =$telewordlanguage;
$teleword{'error'} ='CONNECTION';
$teleword{'errortitleuk'}='CONNECTION ERROR';
$teleword{'errortextuk'} ='It was not possible to connect to TeleWord.net.';
$teleword{'errortextde'} ='Es konnte keine Verbindung zu TeleWord.net aufgebaut werden.';
# Print error message
if ($teleword{'error'} =~ /SUCCESS/i) {
print "SUCCESS";
else {
print "[Error-Code: $teleword{'error'}]\n\n";
print "$teleword{'errortitle'.$teleword{'language'}}\n\n";
print "$teleword{'errortext'. $teleword{'language'}}\n\n";
PHP | |
//# TeleWord SMS Sample PHP Script
//# (c) 2002-2006 by EDV Service Gregor Wersche
//# for use with TeleWord only!
//# Last Update: 2006-11-03
$telewordlanguage = 'UK'; # language of error messages UK / DE
$telewordaccount = 12345; # your account number
$telewordaction = 1; # the action number (XMS special)
$telewordpassword = 'xxxxxxxx'; # password of TeleWord action
$sender = 'TeleWord'; # up to 11 characters or 16 digits
$num = '4917...'; # destination phone number
$xms = 'Test-Message sent by TeleWord'; # text message
$mobile = 'SMS'; # Message type, e.g. 'SMS' for Text-SMS
$teleword_sock = fsockopen('www.teleword.net', 80, $teleword_errno, $teleword_errstr, 10);
if ($teleword_sock) {
# Connection ok
# Construct the query string to send and determine its length
$xms = rawurlencode($xms);
# Send request
fputs($teleword_sock, "POST /action/ HTTP/1.0\n");
fputs($teleword_sock, "Host: www.teleword.net\n");
fputs($teleword_sock, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n");
fputs($teleword_sock, "Connection: close\n");
fputs($teleword_sock, "Content-length: ".strlen($query)."\n\n$query");
# Get response
while(!feof($teleword_sock)) { $response .= fgets($teleword_sock,128); }
# Check for success/error
preg_match_all("/(TeleWord\-([A-Za-z0-9\_\-]+): +([^\n\r]+))/s",$response,$matches);
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[0]); $i++) {
$teleword[strtolower($matches[2][$i])]=$matches[3][$i]; }
foreach (array_keys($teleword) as $key) {
$teleword[$key]=urldecode($teleword[$key]); }
if (preg_match("/^[A-Za-z]{2}$/", $teleword['language'])) {
$teleword['language']=$telewordlanguage; }
if ($teleword['error'] == '') {
$teleword['language'] =$telewordlanguage;
$teleword['error'] ='SERVER';
$teleword['errortitleuk']='SERVER ERROR';
$teleword['errortitlede']='SERVER FEHLER';
$teleword['errortextuk'] ='There is no confirmation message and no error message.';
$teleword['errortextde'] ='Es liegt weder eine Erfolgs- noch eine Fehlermeldung vor.';
else {
$teleword['language'] =$telewordlanguage;
$teleword['error'] ='CONNECTION';
$teleword['errortitleuk']='CONNECTION ERROR';
$teleword['errortextuk'] ='It was not possible to connect to TeleWord.net.';
$teleword['errortextde'] ='Es konnte keine Verbindung zu TeleWord.net aufgebaut werden.';
# Print error message
if (preg_match("/SUCCESS/i", $teleword{'error'})) {
else {
echo("[Error-Code: ".$teleword['error']."]\n\n");
echo($teleword['errortext'. $teleword['language']]."\n\n");
Sending logos with scripts | |
The samples above are not only to send text sms, but also for sending operator logos, animations, ringing tones, picture messages, screen savers, EMS, etc. Simply provide a suitable HTML code in the variable xms. A list of all supported html code tags is available in the administration menu at the menu item "Sending an XMS".
&xms='<img src="http://my.domain/picture.gif"><b>Happy Birthday</b><br>Ciao'
Offering free SMS delivery | |
Configuring the sending of free SMSs is done as described in the section "Offering fee-required SMSs"
In this case, though, it is not necessary to connect the sending of the SMS to the TeleWord ePayment Hotlines, which means you can de-select the TeleWord "check password" action. You are then responsible for all related costs. That means, if you select this option, related costs cannot be automatically deducted from your ePayment account, and you will be charged for them. In this case, to guarantee sending of all SMSs, please insure you have an adequate balance in your TeleWord account by making the necessary pre-payment(s). Additional information can be found under the menu item "Pre-Paid Services".
You can then remove the TeleWord-related code from the HTML code from the HTML code view of the relevant action, except for the "Send" button.
It is possible to recover the cost of sending SMSs via clicks on sponsor banners. In this case, the TeleWord partner is responsible for finding a sponsor. In the following section, two possibilities for recovery of SMS costs via advertising are illustrated.
Advertisement-financed SMS delivery, Option 1 | |
A demo page has been set up under the URL https://www.teleword.net/freesms/. It permits the sending of a text SMS via a TeleWord action by means of clicking a banner ad. Several ad banners can be shown, which gives the customer a greater choice and identifies a higher caliber of customer for the sponsors. Documentation regarding the setup is found in the page's source code.
TeleWord offers this very simple example - with very limited functions - as a free "extra". Sorry, but we cannot provide any detailed support in connection with it.
Advertisement-financed SMS delivery, Option 2 | |
We will soon be offering information about a much more complex script with a wide variety of functions. Patience please: check back soon!
Logos and ring tones | |
To send logos, images and ring tones you can use either ready-made materials or your own. To configure this, please first set a TeleWord action as described in the section "Offering fee-required SMSs".
Operator and group logos, LOGO-SMS | |
Additional information related to sending your own graphics and links to ready-made materials can be found in the HTML code view. Here you will also find a link to the free Logo Editor, which enables your visitors to produce their own logos at no cost. Your customers can then send these logos for a fee.
Picture messages, LOGO-SMS | |
Additional information about sending images and links to ready-made materials can be found in the HTML code view. A free editor for your visitors is also available here.
Ring tones, TONE-SMS | |
Please get information about sending ring tones from the HTML code view. Links to editors and ready-made materials are also available here.
Unicode-SMS | |
It is possible to send SMS with unicode characters! As a result, Chinese or Greek characters will be displayed on the recipent's mobile phone as far as the mobile phone is capable to. However, the maximum length of the SMS will be limited to 68 characters. Unicode characters can be included using the UTF-8 or the UCS-2 encoding. An example for the UTF-8 encoding is:
我愛你 means "I love you" in Chinese results to the message: means "I love you" in Chinese
You can use the UCS-2 encoding with 'UCS|004100620063', here as an equivalent for sending 'Abc'.
A list with pictures of all existing unicode characters you can find at http://www.unicode.org/charts/. For instance, you can find here the code for the euro symbol or the numbers for smilies, chess and dice symbold, weather pictograms etc.
Please check the mobile phone manual about which character sets are supported in detail. Generic statements are hard to make. Not supported characters will be usually exchanged with an empty box, the remaining message will be displayed as possible.
Chinese characters rarely will be displayed on mobile phones bought in Europe. However, mobile phones sold in HongKong or Taiwan will usually be able to display them. In Europe, Greek or for example Turkish characters will be supported more often.
Incoming SMS | |
It is possible to redirect an incoming SMS using a script you specify to a phone number set up by TeleWord. This makes 2-Way Messaging possible. For further information, please see the menu item "Incoming SMS".
MMS | |
TeleWord enables you to send MMS to the German mobile phone networks T-Mobile, Vodafone, E-Plus and O2. *Real* MMS are sent and not WAP-Push-Links as used frequently by our competitors.
Basically any content your mobile phone is able to understand can be sent, in particular:
| 5.000 characters of text, e.g. integrated as the text body of the HTML code. |
| JPEG Photos (Baseline), e.g. integrated using <img src="http://my.domain/my/picture.jpg"> |
| GIF87A Pictures, e.g. integrated using <img src="http://my.domain/my/picture.gif"> |
| GIF89A Animations, e.g. integrated using <img src="http://my.domain/my/picture.gif"> |
| WBMP Pictures, e.g. integrated using <img src="http://my.domain/my/picture.bmp"> |
| AMR Sounds/Voice-Messages, e.g. integrated using <content src="http://my.domain/my/birthday.amr"> |
| MIDI Musics (also polyphone), integrated using <content src="http://my.domain/my/song.mid"> |
| VIDEOS, as far as the encoding used is supported by the mobile phone, also integrated using the <content src="...">-tag |
| SMIL Scripts, integrated using the <content src="http://my.domain/my.smil">-tag
<img src="http://my.domain/images/animated.gif">
<content src="http://my.domain/my.smil">
<content src="http://my.domain/music/midi.mid">
A very long text
<content src="http://my.domain/more.txt">
<img src="http://my.domain/images/Pic01.jpg">
The names animated.gif, midi.mid, more.txt and Pic01.jpg can be used
within the SMIL script file to reference the documents,
so please use only the actual filename and not the full URL.
The first listet SMIL document is used as the start script.
It is not necessary to use a SMIL script to make MMS work.
You're simply able to send an MMS by providing the HTML code of the MMS. The same procedure is used for sending SMS and EMS. Included image or other content tags will be processed and the images and files will be downloaded just-in-time from your server. Afterwards, they will be encoded and sent.
For the resolution of the pictures there are basically no limitations - you can send anything that is supported by your mobile phone. Proven and tested is the "standard" format with 160 times 120 pixels.
The cost for sending an MMS depends on the size of MMS. Classified are MMS with up to 30 kBytes and up to 300 kBytes. Please note: 30 kByte does not mean, that an included MMS-Picture may be as big as 30 kBytes, so it will be a small MMS. The MMS will inflate during encoding process like an email and also the protocoll frame need to be kept in mind. In general, multiple pictures and sounds can be sent together with large amounts of text within a small MMS - hassle-free.
Available HTML code tags
Die oben eingegebene Nachricht kann mit HTML-Tags angereichert werden. Folgende Tags werden unterstützt, sofern diese auch von dem Empfänger Mobiltelefon verarbeitet werden:
SMS-Features: (nur SMS, nicht EMS)
| |
Eingeschlossener Text wird blinkend dargestellt.
| |
Auf zahlreichen Handys wird die SMS sofort dargestellt, ohne dass man erst
in den Posteingang schauen muß. Es spielt keine Rolle, wo das Tag im
Text auftaucht.
ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß &
| |
Umlaute äöü ÄÖÜ ß; "normal" geschriebene Umlaute werden ebenfalls beachtet.
| |
Zeilenumbruch; "normale" Zeilenumbrüche werden ebenfalls beachtet.
Textformatierungen: (nur EMS)
| |
Eingeschlossener Text wird Fett gedruckt.
| |
Eingeschlossener Text wird kursiv dargestellt.
| |
Eingeschlossener Text wird unterstrichen dargestellt.
| |
Eingeschlossener Text wird durchgestrichen dargestellt.
| |
Eingeschlossener Text wird zentriert.
<p align="left"></p>, <p align="center"></p>, <p align="right"></p>
| |
Eingeschlossener Text wird linksbündig, mittig oder rechtsbündig dargestellt.
| |
Für den eingeschlossenen Text wird eine größere Schrift benutzt.
| |
Für den eingeschlossenen Text wird eine kleinere Schrift benutzt.
<font size="1..7"></font>
| |
Für den eingeschlossenen Text wird eine kleinere (1..2), die normale (3) oder eine größere (4..7) Schrift benutzt.
Grafiken und Animationen:
<img src="http://my.domain/picture.gif"></img>
| |
Bindet eine Grafik ein. Angaben zur Höhe und Breite werden aus der Grafik
extrahiert. Für alle Nicht-MMS-Versendungen können nur GIF-Dateien verarbeitet werden!
Die Breite sollte sodann 80 Pixel, die Höhe 40 Pixel nicht übersteigen;
bunte Grafiken werden zu zweifarbigen gewandelt. Bei MMS-Grafiken können
hingegen auch farbige animierte GIF89A-Grafiken oder auch farbige JPEG-Grafiken verwendet werden.
<img ota="00080801FF818199998181FF"></img>
| |
Bindet eine Grafik ein. Die Grafik wird in Hexadezimaldarstellung übergeben.
Byte 0: "00" (fest)
Byte 1: "08" (Breite in Pixeln, 1..255, hier 8 Pixel, empfohlenes Maximum: 80)
Byte 2: "08" (Höhe in Pixeln, 1..255, hier 8 Pixel, empfohlenes Maximum: 40)
Byte 3: "01" (Farbtiefe, fest auf 1)
Bytes 4...: "FF..." Bitmap der Grafik, zeilenweise von oben nach unten, links nach rechts.
Bei "ungeraden" Bitanzahlen ist das letzte Byte der Grafik mit Null-Bits aufzufüllen.
Anmerkung: Grafiken sind eigentlich auf 1024 Pixel begrenzt, wir ermöglichen jedoch
auch den Versand größerer Grafiken, die bei TeleWord sodann zerlegt werden und
von dem Handy wieder zusammengesetzt werden.
<img src/ota="..." network="000000"></img>
| |
Soll eine Grafik als Nokia-Betreiberlogo versendet werden, ist es neben der Grafik
zusätzlich erforderlich, den Netzbetreibercode mitanzugeben. Dabei handelt es
sich um einen 6-stelligen Hexcode, der mit dem Parameter 'network' übergeben wird.
Hier eine Auswahl gängiger Netzbetreiber(-codes):
"000000" - Betreiberlogo entfernen
"62F210" - Deutschland, D1 T-Mobil
"62F220" - Deutschland, D2 Vodafone
"62F230" - Deutschland, E-Plus
"62F270" - Deutschland, O2
"32F210" - Österreich, MobilKom Austria A1
"32F230" - Österreich, max.mobil.Telekoms Service
"32F250" - Österreich, Connect Austria One
"32F270" - Österreich, Tele.Ring
"22F810" - Schweiz, Swisscom NATEL
"22F820" - Schweiz, diAx Mobile / Sunrise Mobile
"22F830" - Schweiz, Orange
"32F401" - United Kingdom, Cellnet
"32F451" - United Kingdom, Vodafone
"32F403" - United Kingdom, One 2 One
"32F433" - United Kingdom, Orange
"32F403" - United Kingdom, Virgin Mobile
"32F405" - United Kingdom, Jersey Telecom GSM
"32F455" - United Kingdom, Guernsey Telecoms GSM
"32F485" - United Kingdom, Manx Telecom Pronto GSM
(weitere Netzbetreibercodes finden Sie in den FAQ von TeleWord)
<animation id="0..5"></animation>
| |
Bindet eine vordefinierte Animation mit ein, typischerweise bestehend aus 6 Bildern.
0: I am ironic, flirty (Ironisches flirtendes Lächeln)
1: I am glad (Ich bin erfreut)
2: I am sceptic (Ich bin skeptisch)
3: I am sad (Ich bin traurig)
4: WOW!
5: I am crying (Ich weine)
Die genaue Darstellung hängt vom verwendeten Mobiltelefon ab, richtet sich aber an obige Beschreibung.
<animation src="http://my.domain/picture.gif"></animation>
| |
Bindet eine eigene aus 4 Teilbildern bestehende Animation mit ein.
Es können entweder 4 Teilbilder mit je 8x8 Pixeln oder 4 Teilbilder mit je 16x16 Pixeln versendet werden.
Das als Parameter angegebene Bild vereint alle vier Teilbilder der Animation, wahlweise nebeneinander
(32x8, 64x16) oder übereinander (8x32, 16x64). Wird das Objekt auf dem Handy zeitweise nicht animiert,
wird stets das letzte Teilbild angezeigt. Es können nur GIF-Bilder verarbeitet werden, nicht jedoch
animierte GIFs.
<animation ota="00082001FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000...
| |
Bindet eine eigene aus 4 Teilbildern bestehende Animation mit ein.
Es können entweder 4 Teilbilder mit je 8x8 Pixeln oder 4 Teilbilder mit je 16x16 Pixeln versendet werden.
Das als Parameter angegebene Bild vereint alle vier Teilbilder der Animation, wahlweise nebeneinander
(32x8, 64x16) oder übereinander (8x32, 16x64). Wird das Objekt auf dem Handy zeitweise nicht animiert,
wird stets das letzte Teilbild angezeigt. Der Aufbau von OTA-Bildern ist weiter oben beschrieben.
Sounds und Melodien:
<content src="http://my.domain/my/midi.mid"></content>
| |
(nur MMS und WAP)
Bindet eine Midi-Musik-Datei in eine MMS ein. Auch polyphone Midi-Dateien sind möglich.
<content src="http://my.domain/my/sound.amr"></content>
| |
(nur MMS und WAP)
Bindet einen AMR-Sound / eine AMR-Voice-Message in eine MMS ein.
<sound id="0..255"></sound>
| |
(nur EMS)
Spielt einen vordefinierten Sound ab. Folgende Sounds sind definiert:
0: Chimes high
1: Chimes low
2: Ding
3: TaDa
4: Notify
5: Drum
6: Claps
7: FanFare
8: Chord high
9: Chord low
Der genaue Klang hängt vom verwendeten Mobiltelefon ab, richtet sich aber an obige Beschreibung.
<sound rtttl="Flintstone:d=4,o=5,b=200:g#,c#,8p,c#6,8a#,g#,c#"></sound>
| |
(Geeignet sowohl für EMS-Handys als auch Nokia/Sagem/Motorola-Klingeltöne!)
Spielt eine Melodie ab. Eine Melodie setzt sich aus folgenden Elementen zusammen:
"c","d","e","f","g","a","b": Noten, durch Kommata getrennt, hier die Grundwerte; "p" für Pause
"#": Sharp note. Dem Notenwert nachgestellt. Erhöht den Notenwert um einen halben Ton.
".": Dotted note. Die Spieldauer der Note wird verändert, dem Notenwert nachgestellt.
"1","2","4","8","16","32": Notendauer, dem Notenwert vorangestellt.
"4","5","6","7": Oktave der Note, dem Notenwert nachgestellt.
Der typische Oktavenumfang eines Nokia-Handys ist a4 bis b7.
Der genaue Klang hängt vom verwendeten Mobiltelefon ab, richtet sich aber an obige Beschreibung.
<sound melody="*3f3f3f3#c1#d3#d3#d3c1r3f3f3f3#c3#f3#f3#f3f3*4#c3#c3#c3*3#a1"></sound>
| |
(Alternativnotation, nur geeignet für EMS! Ungeeignet für Nokia/Sagem/Motorola-Klingeltöne!)
Spielt eine Melodie ab. Eine Melodie setzt sich aus folgenden Elementen zusammen:
"*3","*4","*5": Setzt oder wechselt die Oktave. Wir empfehlen eine Beschränkung auf die Oktaven 3 bis 5.
Noten ausserhalb des vom Telefon unterstützten Bereiches werden nicht gespielt.
"c","d","e","f","g","a","b": Notengrundwerte, "r" für eine Pause
"3","2","1","0": Notenlänge (3=kurz,0=lang)
"&","#": Flat note/Sharp note. Senkt oder erhöht den Notenwert um einen halben Ton,
z.B. "*3c3#c3&d3d3#d3&e3e3f3#f3&g3g3#g3&a3a3#a3&b3b3"
Der genaue Klang hängt vom verwendeten Mobiltelefon ab, richtet sich aber an obige Beschreibung.
<content src="http://my.domain/smil/my.smil"></content>
| |
(nur MMS)
Bindet eine SMIL-Skript in eine MMS ein. Das erste SMIL-Skript wird als Start-Skript behandelt. Innerhalb des SMIL-Skriptes können die anderen Dokumente über Ihren Dateinamen (also nicht über die volle URL) referenziert werden.
Besonderheiten WAP-Push-Links:
<content src="http://my.domain/song.mp3">Ihr Song</content>
<content src="http://my.domain/song.mp3" cache="0">Ihr Song</content>
<content src=".../song.dm" type="application/vnd.oma.drm.message">Song</content>
| |
Ein Wap-Push-Link ist technisch gesehen eine kompakte Binär-SMS, die das Handy auffordert, unter einer bestimmten URL das Dokument per WAP aus dem Internet herunterzuladen (Beim MMS-Versand wird das Dokument direkt zugestellt). Um dass dieser Download-Link nicht weitergegeben werden kann, wird standardmäßig nicht die URL selbst übermittelt, sondern das Dokument wird auf einem TeleWord-Server zwischengespeichert (gecachet). Die wahre URL bleibt so verborgen und der nun aber versendete Download-Link verfällt nach dem Download. Falls jedoch der Download z.B. abbricht, hat der Kunde binnen weniger Minuten noch einen zweiten Versuch. Dieses Cachen der Dateien erfolgt automatisch (siehe Beispiel 1), kann aber über den Parameter cache="0" abgeschaltet werden (siehe Beispiel 2). Sodann wird die Original-URL als WAP-Push-Link direkt versendet.
Wird das Dokument gecachet, ist ein Anti-"Ich-lad-das-Dokument-mal-mit-meinem-Browser-runter"-Schutz und ein Anti-"Ich-geb-den-Link-mal-an-ganz-viele-Leute-weiter"-Schutz inklusive.
Kopiergeschützter DRM-Content kann ebenfalls versendet werden (ähnlich wie Beispiel 3, nähere Infos auf Anfrage). Da Webserver hier oft einen falschen Content-Type zurückliefern, kann dieser überdefiniert werden (funktioniert nur beim normalen/gecacheten Versand). Einem GIF-Bild mit dem Content-Type "image/gif" könnte man so (unsinnigerweise) z.B. den Content-Type "image/jpeg" aufzwingen. Dieser Parameter macht aber besonders dann Sinn, wenn die Webserver einen falschen Content-Type zurückliefern, wie dies bei den neuen DRM-Dateiformaten oft der Fall ist.
<content src="..." cache="..." type="...">Link-Titel</content>
<content src="..." cache="..." type="..." action="execute-low"></content>
<content src="..." cache="..." type="..." action="execute-high"></content>
<content src="..." cache="..." type="..." action="cache"></content>
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Es ist nicht nur möglich, SI-kodierte WAP-Push-Links zu versenden, sondern auch SL-kodierte, die eine sofortige Ausführung auf dem Mobiltelefon ohne User-Interaktion ermöglichen. Die erste Zeile wird normal SI-kodiert. Dies ist auch die einzige Möglichkeit, einen kurzen Link-Titel mitzuübermitteln. Bei allen anderen Zeilen wird ein eventuell vorhandener Text ignoriert. Wenn das Attribut "action" angegeben wird, wird der WAP-Push-Link SL-kodiert: "execute-low" bedeutet hier: die Ausführung erfolgt nach Möglichkeit sofort, darf nur für technisch nicht-"aufdringliche" Dienste verwendet werden. "execute-high": Ausführung erfolgt nach Möglichkeit sofort, darf auch für technisch "aufdringliche" Dienste verwendet werden. "cache": Ausführung erfolgt zwar nicht sofort, doch wird das Dokument soweit möglich schoneinmal abgerufen und gecachet.
Remarks on WAP-Push-Links
For receiving WAP-Push-Messages you should take care that "WAP-Push" is activated on your mobile phone.
A brief instruction how to activate WAP-Push for your mobile phone is available here:
Activating Wap-Push: Motorola
Nachrichten -> Wap Nachrichten öffnen -> Setup aufrufen (mittlere Menü Taste)-> "Setup WAP Nachr." öffnen -> Einstellung "Dienst" auf "Alle empfangen"
Activating Wap-Push: NOKIA
Programmmenü / Mitteilungen / Softkey links "Optionen" -> "Einstellungen" wählen / "Dienstmitteilung" wählen / das Feld Dienstmitteilungen muss auf "Ein" stehen
Activating Wap-Push: SonyEricsson
Browser aktivieren (obere Leiste Weltkugel anklicken), Menü Bearbeiten -> Einstellungen, nach rechts scrollen bis "Erweitert", Häkchen bei: WAP-Push aktivieren, URL autom. laden, Abgelaufene löschen
Automatical resizing of images
Pictures for the MMS delivery can be automatically processed. JPGs, PNGs, GIFs and even animated images will be resized to the right dimension and file size. Also the trimming can be regulated, for instance, if a portrait image shall be transformed to a landscape mobile phone logo. This enables the user to send 2-megabyte-images from the digital camera without any further processing.
The delivery is done by sending the HTML code of the message. Included <img>-tags will be resolved just-in-time, the referenced files will be automatically downloaded and processed.
To explain the functionality of the image tags, now some examples will follow. The original file is the following:
<img src="https://www.teleword.net/imagesUK/resize_original.jpg">
[240x320, 20kB]
If the image tag does not contain any further parameters, the image will not be touched and sent as it is.
<img ... width="160" ... >
[160x213, 17kB]
The width-parameter sets the new width of the image. If this parameter is missing, the original width is used, except if the height-parameter is used; then, the width-parameter is calculated that the aspect ratio of the original image is kept.
<img ... height="120" ... >
[90x120, 5kB]
The height-parameter sets the new height of the image. If this parameter is missing, the original height is used, except if the width-parameter is used; then, the height-parameter is calculated that the aspect ratio of the original image is kept.
<img ... width="160" height="120" ... >
[160x120, 10kB]
If both paramters are set, height and width, the resizing will be performed to the new dimension. The image will NOT be distorted this way, the areas at the top+bottom or at the left+right side might need to be cut.
<img ... size="2000" ... >
<img ... size="5000" ... >
[160x120, 2kB]
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[160x120, 5kB]
The parameter size is able to limit the file size, 2kB and 5kB in the examples above. The quality of the image will be adjusted that the available file size will be used best as possible. If this parameter is missing, the following default is used: file size = new width * new height / 2, bzw. size = width * height / 2. The file size cannot be limited for animations, but for static images (JPGs, PNGs, GIFs) this works well.
<img ... crop="0" ... >
<img ... crop="100" ... >
[160x120, crop=0]
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[160x120, crop=100]
The parameter crop determines, if the original image shall be cropped or not, if the aspect ratio of the new dimension does not match the one of the original image. Only the values 0 (don't crop) and 100 (crop) are valid. By default, the image will be cropped (100).
<img ... position="25" ... >
<img ... position="50" ... >
<img ... position="75" ... >
[160x120, position=25]
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[160x120, position=50]
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[160x120, position=75]
The parameter position determines, where the original image shall be trimmed. Valid are all whole numbers from 0 to 100. A value of 0 means that the relevant image information is at the very top (or left), a value of 100 means that the relevant image part is at the bottom (or right). If the parameter is missing, the picture will be trimmed at both sides equally (50), so it is assumed that the middle of the image contains the interesting thing.
<img ... stretch="0" ... >
<img ... stretch="40" ... >
<img ... stretch="80" ... >
<img ... color="#000000" ... >
<img ... color="#808080" ... >
<img ... color="#F0D020" ... >
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The parameter color determines the color of the borders if there are any. If the parameter is missing, any borders will be white (#FFFFFF).
<img src="???" width="160" height="120" stretch="50">
For images about which is not much knows (e.g. customer uploads of pictures taken with digital cameras), the setting above is suitable for a "generic" delivery. Virtually every MMS mobile phone is able to handle the dimension 160x120. If the aspect ratio does not match, the setting stretch="50" is usually a good compromise between a full (but distorted) display and a not distorted but fully trimmed image.
Sending uploaded images
TeleWord developed a ready-to-use engine that enables the customer to upload and send own images, such as images from the digital camera or animated images. During the sending procedure the customer will be able to choose a suitable frame of the image. A sample site can be explored here . The engine can be licensed at TeleWord. Please talk to us.
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